Dear Readers...

Welcome to my blog !

I hope that you'll enjoy it enough to return and stay around long enough to know more about my life. This entry is the first in over a year because I did not have an outlet for my writings. The beginnings of the blog, dating back to '05, will be posted as soon as I can get it typed and mailed out of here, that will take a few more weeks cause it's in population while I'm in segregation. Oh, I began this blog to give people an insight into how my life would change by going from death row to adjusting to life in a regular prison population. Please stick around, I promise it will get better.

Gary Hart's Facebook profile

Saturday, September 8, 2007

July 13, 2007


The warden is piling on the bullshit; today he had the balls to have a fire drill at 1:00pm in the 94°F heat with high humidity. My blood was boiling for this and it did not help that most of the inmates appeared to take it all in stride. If things had developed I could have gotten swept up in a riot very easily, I'm not sure whether I should be thankful that the natives are so passive.

Later in the evening I went to play some pick up games of basketball. One minute the sideline was crowded with players wanting next and the next it was empty cause they went to watch the first viewing of the weekend videos at 6:00pm. Still full of energy I ended up playing a drag queen one on one and lost three games to him. Now I'm being teased for losing to a sissy, but I tell them that I had balls to play him while they wouldn't. Yes, this sissy has a good game that combines skill and power.

Every Friday, the warden adds his comments to the daily newsletter that usually only has the menu, Dr's list and other such information. He told us that 108 urine samples were collected with half being tested and five positive results, good numbers in his eyes. The warden also said that more test were coming, threatening to break the testing machine if that's what it takes to stop us.

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