Dear Readers...

Welcome to my blog !

I hope that you'll enjoy it enough to return and stay around long enough to know more about my life. This entry is the first in over a year because I did not have an outlet for my writings. The beginnings of the blog, dating back to '05, will be posted as soon as I can get it typed and mailed out of here, that will take a few more weeks cause it's in population while I'm in segregation. Oh, I began this blog to give people an insight into how my life would change by going from death row to adjusting to life in a regular prison population. Please stick around, I promise it will get better.

Gary Hart's Facebook profile

Thursday, June 7, 2007

May 9, 2007 - The hearing

Just as I figured it would happened, Wednesday (today) was the day I went to disciplinary court. Everyday I’ve been in the window paying attention to the schedules of the police, only the three that are needed for this hearing really matter. As I’m standing in the narrow window my gut tells me to get ready, so instead of napping until dinner arrives I reread everything once again.

After dinner I’m taken to the “Shift Commanders Office” and told to sit down next to Lt. Raines. The Hearing Officer, Sgt. English, starts reading the disciplinary and asking me am I inmate Gary Hart, 246445X (the “X” signifies life without parole), Black , Male … I’m looking at this man like please come on with it cause there is no need to be so damn formal. Sgt. English starts with the insubordination charge, not the correct order in which things happened and I know he’ll get confused.

Lt. Raines recites his version of the events and concludes with “Don’t put your hands on me Joe Raines”. I never called his name when I said that. But I’m not tripping on his mistakes or lies and enjoy the process, it’s been over seven years since I’ve had to be in disciplinary court. In walks Sgt. Gaines after being called on the radio and something ain’t right.

Sgt. Gaines won’t look me in the face, but that could mean he doesn’t wanna show that he’s on my side. Wrong again !! The minute he opens his mouth I’m looking at Clarence Thomas, I didn’t know this man could studder. The Sgt. nearly mirrors the Lt.’s statement and I’m left wondering if he was mistaken due to hearing that version many times or has he lied to keep me from embarrassing his boss.

Next up is Officer Bennett who has watched too many politicians, because all he says to my questions is “I don’t recollect, I can’t recall” and that what he does remember is from hearing other officers talk about it. Suddenly the fog clears from my path and is replaced with anger, obviously I‘ve bamboozled myself, too many days fantasizing in the law library has made me forget how real justice is done all over the world.

The Lt. and I are told to wait in the hall while Sgt. English makes his decision. Punishment is already known cause he told me that if I plead guilty or get found guilty I’d get 45 days lost of privileges, I did not hesitate to say not guilty because I’ll be damn if I ever plead guilty for the same punishment that I’ll get for fighting the charge. I’ve got nothing but time and pissing off the staff can be rather entertaining.

While waiting on the verdict the Lt. and I start talking about the incident and how he’s mistaken about what he said. As this exchange was intensifying I realized he won’t admit he’s wrong, so I let it be. Soon we’re called back in the room and Sgt. English said I’m guilty and punishment is 45 days lost of stare, visit and phone. I’m cool with that until the asshole said that he’s certain Lt. Raines would not lie on me and if the Lt. thought he was wrong I never would be here today – especially with two disciplinaries. Keep in mind that he was saying this about a man who’s been involved in so many excessive force claims that he was a Captain once and every time he got rank it was snatched away again and again. If Lt. Raines had told the truth on those incidents, he’d be working elsewhere.

For the charge of disobeying a direct order I decide not call Sgt. Gaines or Officer Bennett. They’ll only repeat their lies. As usual the truth is meaningless when determining guilt and innocence. My statement was read by the hearing officer and he dismissed my reasoning and found me guilty. After the first hearing I clearly know what to expect, so I’m not as emotional. In fact, I’m smiling and tell Lt. Raines and Sgt. English that they got me and taught me a lesson. When I told them the lesson was once a disciplinary is written the inmate is already dead cause the truth is meaningless they didn’t like that.

The sentence for the 2nd charge is 20 days in the doghouse. No, not a real doghouse but I’ll be moved to a row of cell that’s known as the doghouse where the inmates aren’t allowed radios, newspapers, magazines and such. My 45 days will also start once I’m moved to the doghouse. Some years back inmates in the doghouse were fed only twice a day and no desserts, plus their mattresses were removed from the cells at 7:00 am and returned at 5:00 pm.

I’ll appeal both disciplinaries to the warden for two reasons. 1) Sgt. English was clearly biased against me based on his misguided assumption that Lt. Raines would not lie. (20 years of friendship my ass, even the Pope lies sometimes – especially when he tells parents they have a beautiful baby when he knows that rascal looks like Gaullum from the Lord of the Rings). 2) Both disciplinaries have the same number for their tracking system.

Maybe I’ll win and at least get one off my record. I have nothing to lose for trying cause they’ve already bust my head. Oh, I likely won’t reach the doghouse for a week or two, but I’ll complain about that cause the sooner I’m finish with that I could leave segregation.

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