Dear Readers...

Welcome to my blog !

I hope that you'll enjoy it enough to return and stay around long enough to know more about my life. This entry is the first in over a year because I did not have an outlet for my writings. The beginnings of the blog, dating back to '05, will be posted as soon as I can get it typed and mailed out of here, that will take a few more weeks cause it's in population while I'm in segregation. Oh, I began this blog to give people an insight into how my life would change by going from death row to adjusting to life in a regular prison population. Please stick around, I promise it will get better.

Gary Hart's Facebook profile

Thursday, June 7, 2007

May 3, 2007

I'm still dazed and confused from the events of the day before. How can I end up in "lock up" for simply trying to get my legal mail? The papers I got last night said I'll be charged with "disobeying a direct order and insubordination", but my problems pale in comparison to what I'm witnessing outside my cell window. Today is the execution day of Aaron Jones and I'm watching his family visit for the last time, plus all the state officials coming to do their "duty" of seeing to it he's dead.

Another reminder of how I’m in seg. Without good reason and that my problems are minor is there was a stabbing in population today. I heard the victim was stabbed about ten times and that someone had to stop the guy from killing him. The guy who used the knife has been cutting on people for over a decade and when I passed his cell on the way o the shower he was smiling as if he had accomplished something. The victim is fighting for his life in a free world hospital, I’m sure he’ll survive cause he’s use to fighting – rarely a day goes by that he’s not in the law library trying to give the state back his life without parole sentence so he can return to his beautiful family.

It’s sad but true, whether murder or an attempted murder most inhabitants of this prison could careless. I suppose that’s because everyone knows life is very cheap in Holman prison.

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