Dear Readers...

Welcome to my blog !

I hope that you'll enjoy it enough to return and stay around long enough to know more about my life. This entry is the first in over a year because I did not have an outlet for my writings. The beginnings of the blog, dating back to '05, will be posted as soon as I can get it typed and mailed out of here, that will take a few more weeks cause it's in population while I'm in segregation. Oh, I began this blog to give people an insight into how my life would change by going from death row to adjusting to life in a regular prison population. Please stick around, I promise it will get better.

Gary Hart's Facebook profile

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

December 5, 2007

12 :07 AM

Another blessing is that my mom and I have been getting along so well that it’s scary. Our love for one another is unquestionable, but we have bumped heads to much for our liking. Mom has even been visiting more often, I really appreciate that because it’s very hard to see your child in prison. My goal is to keep this going! Other blessings would include how I’m adjusting to dealing with those around me. Communal living is still extremely unpleasant but I’m getting better at attracting and repelling associates, making it easier to shrink my circle. As the riffraff is pushed aside those with morals, values and principles are revealed. Time management and distractions are constant issues; once I manage to overcome these problems other things will become easier. At least I’m now capable of finding conservations that are stimulating, next is to discover whose word is their bond. Another of life’s perpetual quest.

Before coming to prison no sport held my interest, unless kickball and cycling are considered. Chasing girls along with other mischief went perfectly with riding a bike around the Cities of Mobile and Prichard Alabama. Since as early as 1991 I’ve been in love with the sport of basketball, playing or watching it on TV at every available opportunity. Some years ago naming every NBA player, their colleges, salaries and stats could be done with ease. Now I struggle to keep up with who’s playing for who and no longer play. Anyone that knows me realizes the significance of that statement and my difficulty at arriving there.

The basketball season starts in the spring but I’ve already decided not to play. Why? It’s my best interest to stay off the basketball court before I end up in trouble. My attitude is fine; it’s my tolerance that’s running low. No longer can I deal with selfish teammates, bias referees and stupid coaches. Luckily I’m now capable of recognizing what’s on the horizon and will take a long break. Maybe I’ll play in 2009; in the meantime I’ll walk the track, jog, lift weights and hopefully heal from all those years of abusing my body.

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