Dear Readers...

Welcome to my blog !

I hope that you'll enjoy it enough to return and stay around long enough to know more about my life. This entry is the first in over a year because I did not have an outlet for my writings. The beginnings of the blog, dating back to '05, will be posted as soon as I can get it typed and mailed out of here, that will take a few more weeks cause it's in population while I'm in segregation. Oh, I began this blog to give people an insight into how my life would change by going from death row to adjusting to life in a regular prison population. Please stick around, I promise it will get better.

Gary Hart's Facebook profile

Monday, February 16, 2009

February 6, 2009


The most important change in my life is that I've been approved for the "leather shop" since November. The leather shop is part of the prison"s hobby craft program and is a room where we can make leather crafts. This opportunity to be able to help support myself is something I've wanted since leaving the row, death row's hobby craft program was ended in the mid 90's.

This has been one helluva learning experience for me, along with learning how to work leather I am learning more about myself and other people. A wise man warned me that nowhere else in the prison will you find a group of people like those in the leather shop. The wise man was 100% correct and hopefully I'll survive without too much damage as I chose independence.

The men there are all hustlers (not meant in the negative sense) and everyone chases the same marbles through various ways. I believe that a man can hustle (chase money) with morals and principles as well as without them, being cutthroat will produce quicker gains but has the disadvantage of making one short-sighted. How can a man with limited experience dealing with people, not to mention unscrupulous prisoners, manage to maintain his values while making gains? Honestly, I do not know.

The only thing that I know for sure is that I must learn all I can as quick as I can and get my equipment, tools and supplies. That puts me in a much better position when dealing with everyone cause I will be independent. Otherwise the hostlers want to hold you hostage by making it difficult for you to pursue your goals and will find ways to use you. Currently, I'm in exactly that situation because I've been dancing with a very crafty man.

This man had me snowed into thinking he was not crafty at all, the words, crafts and actions were all design to reel me in. Nobody pulled my coattails until recently and without the wise man's assistance I'd still be blind, thinking he was a stubborn and misguided man instead of whom he really is.

This man is one of the best craftmen in the leather shop and what he taught me in these months I'm grateful for. I stood side by side with a master as his apprentice and learned at a rapid pace, too bad our personalities and business objectives may not allow this relationship to last much longer. By no means am I ready for the relationship to end, only because I cannot fly yet.

To fly is the goal and to soar within the clouds. Such lofty goals and it will require patience, especially when I do not have what I need. A sewing machine will cost $500-$700, an air compresson $150-$200, airbrush $65, tools $300 and supplies another $600. Can I get my hands on at least $1.615? Hell no! But I will make it through this embryonic stage and become a man in the leather shop. A man with the same morals and principles that I arrived with.

I'll write an update much sooner than you think. I'm closing now only to ponder my next moves.

February 5, 2009



Chances are that you have not missed hearing from me and that's okay, but I have really missed sharing my thoughts and experiences with the world as if I matter. The gap in updating my blog was totally my doing, in fact my Little Sister (Claire) has been on me to write for the entire time.

Writing has always been enjoyable for me since I begun many years ago, it has not only helped me meet some very beautiful people and learn new things, but allowed me to release some of the pressure through venting that my life brings. Recently I've come to realize that "something" has been robbing me of my essence. Yes, I have several theories as to what that "something" is, but honestly it's still a mystery. Only fools or insane men can find true happiness in prison, being neither I have come to understand that I have always gone through each moment in a state of depression and misery. One day I'll know why things have attered me.

Am I the same man that I was on August 30, 2007 ? Hell No !! Nor the same man on February 22, 2006. Besides being older I'm much wiser thanks to the knowledge I've gained from being in population. Each phase in our lives will teach us something new, those long years in a one man cell taught me how to primarily function alone and to trust total strangers, now the lessons are just the opposite.

Going from that to functioning within a large group of people has tested me more than I foresaw. Please keep in mind that I've had my own room, cell and stuff most of my life and landing on death row so young has handicapped me by removing the opportunity to interact with so many people. Nearly everything I have learned about life was through reading, listening and observing. The last three years I have finally been able to learn through experiences.

Before being captured and caged I avoided most males and large groups of people, learning enough to avoid trouble and keep on moving. Prolonged engagement was rare and hindered my ability to socialize as I must now. Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm not talking about interacting with normal people in normal situations, but with skilled con men who do not want you to see whom they really are and even despse themselves. The conditions we face daily only adds to the difficulty of our encounters, nobody wants to be here. It's forced socialization.


The prison was lockdown most of the morning because there was a riot at another prison and several officers had to help settle things down, they serve on the riot team. What this was about won't be known for several months, usually when guys are transferred from the hot spot to other prisons, but the truth will be hard to detect.

Not much has changed in here! The faces have thanks to guys leaving through making parole, transfers and going to jail (segregation), but essentially the happenings within prison continue as they always have. Violence, shakedowns, dog searches and thousands of parasites living off each other until death or removal from hell.

W.C. Holman Correctional Facility was opened in 1969 and received the least amount of maintenance, just enough to get by. Our warden since 2001 has made improvements to the living conditions - but never with us in mind, security is the #1 priority and that includes keeping us from tearing this raggedy place up due to our disgust. He changed the lights to see us better, the locks to control movement, the fence to keep us on the island, cameras to spy on us, created the Honor Dorm for mind control and the staff in order to have his every desire followed, even the ones that defy common sense.

The shutdown that I discussed in August 2007 was what brought about the most recent changes. Three of the four dormitories that were in dreadful need of repairs have been completed and the fourth will be finished very soon. The style is based upon the Honor Dorm, the fifth dorm, and was done with security in mind because an officer can stand nearly anywhere and see everything in one glance. Bunk beds are gone and there are still 114 men in each dorm. This was achieved by not only reducing the space between the beds from about 36 inches to 24 inches but by placing beds side by side. Visualize this; Bed #1 and #2 are 24 inches apart. Bed #3 is directly next to #2 with a divider made of plywood 2 feet high and 3/4 inch thick. Bed #3 and #4 are 24 inches apart. Bed #5 is directly next to bed #4 with the plywood between them and so on.

Yes, the plywood prevents the staff from seeing everything, but if they can read body language they still can understand what's happening. Kinesics is how I'm able to walk into areas, large or small, and instantly know what's up and know how to carry myself. A skill I had to learn in order to avoid drama with so many personalities, it even amazes me how far I've come over the last three months.

Anyway, the shower and bathrooms are still in the front of the dorms. Instead of there being toilets and urinals on each side we have only 6 toilets and 6 sinks on one side with no urinals at all. And the showers are on the other side, 3 poles with 10 shower heads total. Every thing is wide open!

Oh, there are no longer any boxes on our beds or moveable wooden locker boxes. Our boxes are between our beds near the walls and are bolted to the bed frames, 4x2 feet with one side for each man. At least they added shelves .